Tuesday, 7 August 2012


i'm at the extreme right of the photo. don't know if i was just really close to the camera or if i was really that fat then. 
with my sister. she's already a mom.

see my belly? yup. see what i'm doing? munching.

with my batchmates. both are moms already. 
See how I looked like several months back? Not so flattering right? But yep, I was able to lose those flabs.

Just a few tips:

1. Before you start your diet, start eating a smaller amount of food already so you would not feel starved when you do a more "hardcore" diet.

2. Accept that you are on a diet. Of course, you would be teased about going on a diet but know for a fact that they are teasing you because deep inside, they want to do what you are doing but they don't have the courage to accept it.

3. Exercise. Losing weight is not enough. You would just lose body mass but once you start eating again, it would just fill up. It is best to burn the fats and develop muscles. (Muscles burn your fats even when you are resting.)

4. Hydrate. Drink lots and lots of water. It helps boost your metabolism, and you would feel less hunger.

5. Avoid meat. That's what made my stomach flatter. For your protein needs, eat nuts and tofu. :)

6. Have a weighing scale in your room and be brave enough to step on it everyday.

7. Do not fall into the defense mechanism of saying, "i want to lose weight but i'm too lazy to exercise. / I want to lose weight but it feels good to eat." The more you say that, the more you would believe that. It is just your defense for being fat. Truth is, you are scared to put in effort and not get your desired result. (go back to number 2.)

That is all I can think of for now. Here's to you getting that SEXY body you've always wanted! :)

Monday, 6 August 2012


I've been getting compliments on my "aura" and how I lost weight lately and have been asked how I did it. I tell everything I did because it feels good to go back to the healthy weight. I am typing this entry now hoping to inspire more people to lose the unhealthy weight.

I've been skinny all my life and I had a crazy metabolism when I was younger. I can eat like a farmer and not gain weight at all. I can attribute it also to my active lifestyle. I was never in one place at a time. I was so kiti kiti. Well, things change. My metabolism was not as good as it was before and I am now working in an office. It means I sit the whole day, in front of a computer. I still ate the same amount of food. After a year, I realized that my clothes don't look good on me anymore.

Anyway, long story short, I gained weight. When I went for a vacation a few months ago, my cousin came back from the States and she fed us with a lot of food. I ate everything she offered (and more). I went to our province after and the first time my dad saw me, I saw the shock on his face. That was my cue to lose weight.

I told my mom I would be going on a diet the next day. She asked me what kind of diet. I told her, "General Motors Diet." No, the meals don't include screws and grease. Since she wanted to lose weight as well, we googled it and decided that we would do it together. While I was on it, she had a "Walk Away Pounds" video and made me do it. It is a 30-minute light brisk-walking exercise.

The diet was a torture for me the first couple of days. I felt nauseous in the afternoon but the website said it is to be expected. On the fourth day, it was easier. After completing the one week diet, my weight loss was quite noticeable but not as much as I expected. The good thing about it though was my appetite was lessened. I only eat the right amount of food now without feeling deprived.

I continued to eat a small portion of food without starving myself when I got back here in Palau. I called my weight loss program, "The Hunger Games". I exercised everyday for at least 30 minutes. My first week here in Palau, I felt like my efforts were not working. On the second week, all of a sudden, I was in my ideal weight already. I had to maintain the weight because my goal was healthy weight, not anorexic. Now, I eat rice everyday. I can have snacks, even ice cream and cake every once in a while. I don't exercise everyday anymore (not really good, too busy) but I try to play badminton three times a week.

It took me approximately 7 weeks to get to my desired body. I only needed to lose 10 lbs. (I already lost 12). My point is: you don't lose it overnight. Don't give up if you feel like your efforts don't yield the results you want. It will come, just stay focused.

If you would like to ask me again how I lost weight, it's simple: DIET AND EXERCISE (and have gorgeous looking people around you all the time to keep you inspired or look at your old photos when you have the body you want to have now.)