Wednesday, 19 September 2012


I saw this article in Yahoo Philippines today. It is about three Filipino celebrities and their beauty "flaws". First was Grace Lee, who said she was 180 lbs. before and had flabby arms. Ok, I would have to agree that is a flaw but only because it is not healthy. Her remedy though was to have a cosmetic procedure done to her. It's fine, since she has the money. I would still prefer that she exercise though. 

Second was Jennelyn Mercado. Her flaw? She is dark. Now, this is something I would react on. A lot of Filipinas already had insecurity complex just because of the skin color so they put cancerous chemicals on their bodies. 

Third was Phoemela Barranda. Her flaw was her breasts were small so she had breast implants. 

I know that commercialism is in play for this article but don't we have enough exposure to things that would make us insecure already? 

If there is any girl who is insecure who might happen to read this right now, this is what I want to say: Do not believe the media. Everyone is beautiful. Don't overspend on things just to change how you look like. To be beautiful, you have to define beauty. Accept what you have and let that be your definition of beauty, then you don't have to jealous of what other people have that you don't. 

One lady in the Philippine showbiz that I really like is Alessandra de Rossi. She is dark skinned, and flat chested. But she is one of the most beautiful girls for me. Not just because of how she looks but because of what she is as a person. She is independent, she sings, she's smart. Now, that is what a beautiful person for me is like. 

Invest more in your mind. Always remember, the brain is the sexiest part of the body. Spend for it. Also, be a more genuine person. Be more loving and caring. Always smile. Everyone is pretty when smiling. Be interesting. 

* i just had to react. i'm already sleepy so sorry if the thoughts don't flow as smooth as required.

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