I once had a teacher in college (who later became my colleague) whose set of questions in a case analysis defense would always include, "is that quantifiable?" I wonder if she still does that today. (In case YOU'RE reading this, Hi ma'am!) At that time, social media was just about to peak. No Facebook yet (hello Friendster), no Twitter, no Tumblr.
That time, you know you are popular when you have more than one account because your original account is already full. There would also be a lot of 'testimonials' on your profile page.
Today, we measure popularity by the number of 'likes' or comments a post in Facebook has, number or followers in Tumblr and Twitter, number of blog views. I hate #teamfollowback in twitter, sub4sub in youtube, and 'please RT let us trend #somethingorsomeonestupid'.
I have decided not to become a slave of the numbers. I don't care about the number of followers, notes, comments or likes. I also would not make the social media my personal diary. I promised to discern information for the public from the outright trivial which nobody really gives a damn. I would spare the space of my friends' news feeds for the more relevant ones such as 9gag.com posts.
Dear friends, no one is as interested in your life as you.
Man, why do I sound like I'm PMSing? It's ok friends, post as much as you like, every little detail. I can always hide you from my news feeds in facebook and i'm pretty sure i'm not following you on twitter and tumblr. xoxo
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