Monday, 25 July 2011

Another Waste of Talent

The name, "Amy Winehouse" is not all that familiar to me until a few days before her death. I thought her genre was rock or some kind of Lady Gaga-ish music because they look similar. I still did not pay much attention even after her death because I'm not really into that kind of music. However, curiosity won and I just had to youtube her famous song, "Rehab" because I have sworn that I don't know any song she has. I was pretty sure I was going to hear noise. I was surprised when I watched and realized that I actually know the chorus part of the song and I even know another one, "I'm No Good." I remember singing it in the shower before.

It is just too sad that she made one wrong choice: the man to love.

All the awards she got, all the fame, that beautiful contralto voice have all gone to waste. Hers was an opiate addiction, almost impossible to cure. How many more stories of wasted talents are we going to have? How many more lives are going to be destroyed? It was just one choice, one WRONG choice and she was not able to make it back.

Amy Winehouse Performs stoned/drunk

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