Saturday, 9 July 2011


While I am waiting for my friends to pick me up (we're going to the beach today), i'll be putting in my thoughts for a while. Right now, i am 26 years old. I decided to learn how to play the guitar. I wish i was one of those child prodigies in music or in anything but i'm not. I know that it's not too late to learn something new.

I just realized that for a lot of people, they always think it's too late because they know people who are really good in something who started young. But then, if that would always be the mentality, you would die with as much knowledge as when you were born. Life is not a competition. Life for me is just a journey. You just have to go through everything and pick up souvenirs along the way. Some souvenirs are more memorable than the others.

For me, my ultimate goal is to learn everything i could possibly learn. i have already accepted for a fact that i could not sing as good as mariah carey, or dance like questcrew or play any instrument like the rockstars or play any sports like michael get the point, right?

I am just an average person with average looks and less than average height. But i will be the best average person i can be. I may not set a world record but i can set my own personal record and break them each time.

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