At exactly 4 weeks from now, I would be celebrating my 27th birthday. I am not really that much of a birthday-celebrator but I want to do something for a change. Besides, I'm pretty excited about turning 27. I feel like I'm more grown up now...hahaha...yeah, I'm retarded like that. In three years time, I would be in my 30's already and I am excited to be there. I know it's weird but I make my life interesting so I can't wait to know what kind of life I have in three years.
Anyway, I wasn't able to go out because of the heavy rain and i don't have a car (loser). Times like these make me want to buy a car but on other days, I'm so thankful that I don't have one. I wanted to go to a resto where there is not much people, I was planning to bring my journal and have a quiet time alone and meditate and evaluate my life in the past years. I was supposed to make plans and know what I want to accomplish this year. But the rain did not allow me. I just had the next best thing...miso soup, apple, and chips...not really the next best thing but it's still good nonetheless. I hope I would still be in the mood to do it next Wednesday.
I really miss my self-pampering time. I realized that I haven't done it in a while.
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