Saturday, 20 August 2011

Everything Is Sinking In Now

This weekend I've realized that my plate is really full. Being the president of a religious organization means that something has to happen every week if you want the organization to grow. You can't procrastinate, and you can't not have plans.

Another big responsibility is the financial statements. How i wish the former CFO would reply regarding my inquiries. My heart just beats faster every time I remember the audit. If only she would reply. Making the financial statements is not that hard, really. It's those little things and the pressures and expectations from bosses that's making me scared.

Then I remember that before any of those things enumerated above happened, I accepted the responsibility of organizing our high school reunion in December. I have to make plans and be creative so that more people would be interested in joining.

And now, I'm a bit sick. I hope I get better soon.

the verse that keeps me going

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