Thursday, 4 August 2011


From the 29 Ways to Be Creative

#4. Get away from computer.

This is so true. When I am doing something else, a lot of thoughts flow effortlessly, I feel like I would never forget them. I say to myself, "I'll put that in my blog later." However, after a few moments and I am in front of my laptop, I could not remember a single thing that I would blog about, or even if I do, the sequence of thoughts just don't make sense. It's annoying.

#2. Carry a notebook everywhere.

This is the solution to the problem I have stated above. Bring a notebook. Jot down every single thought. But I'm too stubborn. Yes, I have a notebook with me every time but I don't always use it. 

#14. Don't give up.

I guess this is what I should work on. NEVER GIVE UP. I may be stupid now and my posts may be very boring and nonsense but hey, who knows, I might improve one of these days. 

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