Tuesday, 25 October 2011

FOOD: Spicy Filipinized Pasta

I am from a region in the Philippines where people love to eat foods cooked with coconut milk and lots of chili, Bicol. I am no exception to that. At the same time, I also love pasta. So, what's a hungry girl to do when I'm craving for our native viands and pasta at the same time? Philippine-ize the pasta!

ginataang spicy tuna pasta

I used coconut milk (canned), added some carrots, Century tuna (hot and spicy flavor), garlic and onion, salt and pepper, and a pinch of sugar. I added garden rotini pasta to the cooked mixture...and voila! Cravings satisfied. I am one happy camper. :)

Friday, 21 October 2011

RANDOM: Missing the Days

I've been to my old blog site and I read a lot of my past posts. When I was in the Philippines, I travelled a lot. I have an out-of-town trip almost every month. With each trip comes a blog post. I remember the places, I remember the people...mostly, the people. I have been to lots of places and the most memorable ones are those with good company. That is one thing missing here in Palau. I am not saying that I never enjoyed the company of anyone here but it's just...different.

Here, people are always busy. Most people have work six days a week. I miss hanging out with friends on the weekends. Back home, even if you don't leave the house, as long as you're with friends, have good conversation, it's a moment worth blogging already. Now, it's really different. How I wish I could hang out again with friends and make good memories with just the simple things.

I love my friends here, don't get me wrong. I have a set of friends from the office, from badminton, and from church. However, with over one year of stay here, I could only count with the fingers of my two hands the times that I really cherish. I'll try to enumerate:

1. first road trip to babeldaob
2. trip to ngatpang
3. winning my first badminton tournament and going to seabird cruise to celebrate
4. playing dota with the boys and basically hanging out with ruben and kuya dan
5. bern's birthday
6. first fun dive
7. hanging out in the old airport one saturday afternoon with eds, bert, and laverne
8. long island swim with arsie, jane, and kuya frank
9. conversation with berns when i asked for advice regarding my career
10. celebrating my birthday with my church mates

Ok, so at least, all my fingers in my two hands would be counted. Then I realize, it's not too few after all. I still have to say my two trips to Ngemelis were equally memorable, the time when Kuya Roger randomly treated us to Nayong Pilipino, the time when we ate lunch three times, Friday nights with Jane, Manio, Mayshell, and Vani. I've already had lots of moments.

I guess I just took a lot of them for granted. There were some things in the list though that I purposely avoided because of things that I don't really want. I guess what I'm missing is the consistency of the persons involved. I miss having friends whom I could comfortably text when I feel the need to hang out and be available...and if that friend is a guy, I want the kind who is willing to hang out not because he likes me, but because it's just fun. Hayyy....should I just go back to the Philippines then?

Sunday, 16 October 2011

MOVIE: The Seven Year Itch

This is the first time I've ever seen Marilyn Monroe acting. She really knows how to act, I'm surprised. Comparing her to some of the famous blonde 'actors' of this generation, she's way better! Plus, she is not thin, at all. She has a real woman's body which is really sexy.

The movie is nice. I really giggled in some parts, especially when she saw the air-con. It was fun seeing the reaction of people when a house has an air-con then. She's such a darling. One thing that disappoints me though was the iconic steam-blown dress. It's just a really small part in the movie and it was not shown as it was in the posters.

Nevertheless, I like that the movie maintained the family values of a man experiencing a seven-year itch in marriage.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

OPINION: I'm Such a Drama Queen

Last night, I had a conversation with my roommate. She's talking about her financial problems. It was not really supposed to be her problem, it was her parents'. But because she is a part of the family, it becomes her problem too. I would not disclose how much she needs but it's really a big amount. She's saying that there are some things she wants to do and yet she can't do them because a big part of her pay is allotted to paying off the debt.

Then today, my friend gave his testimony on how he survived his college life and how he is helping his siblings by sending them to school. I would say I was pretty much impressed...

...and embarrassed. I realized how much of a drama queen I am. I feel so selfish. I can do a lot of things on a whim because I don't have that much of a burden when it comes to my family. I am not obliged to help. They don't ask anything from me. And yet, I complain. When some of my relatives ask for help, I complain. Mainly because I think of the things I have planned on spending the money for, and I would be honest that most of them are just for my personal enjoyment. Not really a necessity.

Today, I learned that I am so blessed and I have nothing to do but be thankful with what I have and with what I am enjoying.

May I always remember the bigger sacrifices of my friends whenever I am asked to give up a little of my whims.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

RANDOM: Beautiful Minds

Years ago, I was jealous of the people who lived in Thomas Edison and other great inventors' time. I wondered how it felt like to see your street lighted by a light bulb for the first time. How magical it would have seemed the first time you heard your friend's voice over the telephone.

The newspapers' headlines are not of the latest blockbuster movie nor of a gruesome crime. They are about the new invention to be introduced for the first time. I said if I had a choice, I would go back to that generation and knowing that it would not be forever, I would absorb everything that is happening around me and tell stories to my kids and grandkids how great that generation is.

Today, our modern Edison passed away. I just came to realize that as much as the past generation is blessed with their own beautiful minds, they have never and will never experience ours. Our generation have more of these minds than the entire history of mankind combined, in my opinion. No, I did not research and nor did I actually count but I just know that it's true.

They will never know how Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs and many other can inspire people...even without meeting them in person. Today, people can touch each other's lives no matter where one is in the world. We also have Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, and several other people from the internet who made our life a lot more convenient.

So, to all these people who inspire me to dream, thank you. I am forever grateful.

Steve Jobs

Monday, 3 October 2011

RANDOM: What If?

What if I can get everything I want, would I still want them?

What if I would be successful in everything I do, would success still taste as sweet?

What if I just leave everything behind, will I regret it?

What if I change my mind, would it be worth it?

What if I already met 'him', would i know?

What if this is where I am supposed to be...for the rest of my life, would i accept it?

Just a few questions from a thousand and one. I know the answers to some...but my other question is, would I do anything about it?


Sunday, 2 October 2011

RANT: People In Facebook. SMH.

Facebook account of a non-existent person
Years ago, people are so addicted with the Facebook apps. Farmtown (before farmville came out), Sorority girls, Mafia Wars, Knighthood, etc. In all of the apps, the more people you invite and accept the invite, the easier it is to level up. So people make fictitious accounts.

The picture above was an account created by my friend who shall not be named for her Knighthood game. That is not the point of this post. What's funny is she put October 2 as the birthday of this account. I was just amused that there are people who posted their birthday greetings.

Makes me realize how superficial Facebook greetings are. I do not regret removing my birthday from my profile a week or two before the date. Those who gave their greetings were people who really remembered. It made it more genuine. It is more touching.

So now, I don't post any birthday greeting unless I really mean it. So if I ever post anything on your wall, please know that it is sincere. c",)